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2020 was a year that I had more time to slow down my life and observe interesting things around me. Domestic things in my kitchen always make me get lots of inspiration when I am creating my art pieces. I love to combine those joyful ideas I get in my kitchen with my textile together to make the 2020 pandemic year become a little fun and not panic anymore. 
For me, banana is not only a fruit, it reflects my personality in my life. I grew up in the traditional Taiwanese family. Traditional culture, rules, values always stock me to become a brave person just like banana always hide inside the peel. The textile piece "Take off your banana peel", I want to use the domestic item that I see everyday to remind me be free be courage, and follow your heart to do what you like just like you peel off the banana and pursue your life without restraint. 


Take Off
Banana Peel

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/ 2021

/ yarn

/ felting, machine knitting, hand beading 

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