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LICCA is a Taiwanese textile designer based in London specializing in design luxury and customized embroidery accessories.The ethos behind her is to create the childish and interactive textiles that can play and let the audience forget the worried in this fast-paced lifestyle when they wear them. In the collections, Licca likes to explore and research the theme of human behavior and female culture such as the project about the life of 1960s woman. She is good at using the humor storytelling way to make her textile designs become vivid and interesting.

Colors is an important part in Licca’s textile collection. Most of the works are influenced by the spirit of POP ART culture. Using vibrant colors to make the textiles more lively. In Licca’s textile collection, she focus on using CAD embroidery technic combines with the wide range of mix-media on different materials to make the embroidery accessories become delicate but also fun. Consider the hand embroidery technic such as hand beading to bring the accessory become luxury. The textile designer Licca’s unique sense of aesthetic and humor are blended into the embroidery textile, and it brings the textile becomes playful and attractive. 

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